保定鑫浩海皮具制造有限公司(原雅紅箱包廠)成立與1998年,。交通便利,距首都95公里,距天津110公,工廠位于中國箱包之都-白溝溫泉城經濟特區,工廠有專業研發人員和銷售團隊.目前工廠大致分板房、生產、開料、臺面、包裝車間、專業生產加工pu、pvc、再生皮等中高檔各類包飾、男女時款手袋、學生包,旅行袋,運動背囊,家居飾品等產品。我廠技術力量雄厚,產品獨具風格,設計別出心裁,款式新潮時尚、做工精細。產品銷往國內各個省、市,深受客戶的青睞 ,基于本廠多渠道營銷及品牌服務戰略和長遠規劃之需求,力求與廣大行業精英結盟,組建卓越營銷服務團隊,免費幫助代理客戶進出口報關,倉儲,翻譯,結匯等業務,服務客戶,回報社會, 本著“以誠相待、利益共享、互惠互助”的原則,與中外廣大客商共創輝煌。 the baoding xin vast shore had makes the limited company (an original elegant red box package of factory) to establish and in 1998. the good communications, are apart from the capital 95 kilometers, is apart from tianjin 110 male, the factory heats the quancheng special economic zone located at chinese biggest box package of - baigou, the factory has the specialized research and development personnel and the sales team. at present the factory divides the board room, the production, to open the material, the floor, the packing department, the specialized production approximately to process pu, pvc, again the rawhide in and so on upscale each kind of bao shi, the male and female stylish handbag, the student package, the travel bag, the movement backpack,