TriVista Business Group is a boutique management consulting and advisory firm focused on creating value for the middle market across three main service areas - Transaction Advisory, Operational Performance Improvement, and Global Supply Chain. Meanwhile, as the professional consultants, we find the talents for our clients.
TriVista Asia China Tianjin Group was established to help private equity firms and their investment assets achieve exceptional shareholder value through the development and execution of critical operational initiatives。With a focus on identifying risks during due diligence and driving EBITDA expansion post transaction, we apply proven processes to ensure our clients achieve the competitive advantage they need in today’s marketplace. Our senior leaders are supported by a global team or more than 40 professionals that have both extensive management and advisory experience implementing operational best practices at some of the world’s most respected companies.
Stationed in Tianjin, China, Trivista Business Services (Tianjin) is aiming to provide its best talent and experiences with various industries to serve the newly developed old industry area – The Bohai Sea Area. We are focusing on helping our clients on strategic cost reduction on traditional processes such as production and process engineering integration, also we are helping our clients on strategic outsourcing and supply chain integration. In this weather and economy winter, it is our strong believe that Trivista Tianjin will provide the best valued services to our clients and walk through the difficult time, bring the success to them as always.
TriVista亞洲中國天津集團的成立是為了持續服務于我們私募基金客戶,在盡職調查中為他們全面分析市場風險,管理風險,技術風險以及資金風險,為您增長交易后的稅息折舊及攤銷前利潤(EBITDA),確保您獲得的市場競爭優勢, 我們擁有強大的國際化團隊, 其中超過40位咨詢和管理的具有豐富的在世界馳名企業中從事卓越運營管理以及咨詢的經驗。
Trivista深信卓越的運營是企業成長的關鍵。正因如此, 我們的專業團隊集中精力幫助中小型企業改善運營,提高績效,為他們創造并增加股東價值。我們的專業領域主要包括生產改進,供應鏈管理,工程技術管理,綠地開發以及銷售渠道拓展。扎根于中國的天津,才惠思達商務信息咨詢(天津)公司著力于在這個重新煥發生機的老工業區域——環渤海地區,為不同的工業行業提供我們佳的才智與經驗的服務。我們所擁有的資源和經驗是您的強大后盾,幫助您的企業實現短期和長期的目標。