Oilgear公司創建于1921年,座落在美國威斯康辛州密爾沃基市,是世界知名的柱塞泵及電液控制技術產品制造商。Oilgear公司長期從事流體動力機器的研發和生產;產品廣泛應用于冶金、金屬加工、機床、汽車、石油化工、建筑機械、玻璃和木材機械等行業,為世界各地的各種液壓機制造商和用戶提供服務。 Oilgear泵產品做為美國柱塞泵的領導者,享有很高的國際聲譽。
oilgear Beijing于2009年5月1號在北京成立,由于業務的迅速擴張,Oilgear 于2010年8月1日在上海成立辦事處,并且將Oilgear Shanghai 作為Oilgear China的總部。
由于業務的需要,Oilgear China 需要吸收大量精英,為公司帶來新的活力,邁向更高的目標!
The Oilgear Company is a global manufacturer of hydraulic products and engineered solutions serving the fluid power market. The Company offers an engineering and manufacturing team capable of providing advanced technology in the design and production of unique fluid power components and electronic controls. The Company's global involvement focuses its expertise on markets in which customers demand top quality, prompt delivery, high performance and responsive aftermarket support. The Company's products include piston pumps, motors, valves, controls, manifolds, electronics and components, cylinders, reservoirs, skids and meters. Industries that use these products include primary metals, machine tool, automobile, petroleum, construction equipment, chemical, plastic, glass, lumber, rubber and food. The Company strives to serve those markets requiring high technology and expertise where reliability, top performance and longer service life are needed. The products are sold as individual components or integrated into high performance applications. The Company operates in 15 countries with approximately 900 employees.
Oilgear Beijing was established on May 1, 2009. Due to its rapid expansion,we opened Shanghai office on August 1, 2010 and committed to transferring Oilgear China into headquarter in China.
With the further expansion of the business, OILGEAR CHINA hopes to absorb a lot of the elite,bringing new energy and vitality
We look forward to your participation!