Beijing Ainong Masai Machinery Co., Ltd.
Beijing Ainong Masai Machinery Co., Ltd. is an import & export agricultural machinery trade company in China, because supported by China Agricultural Machinery Distribution Association, it has good relationship with many countries’ agricultural machinery associations such as USA, Germany, French, UK, Spain, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Brazil, Ukraine, Russia, Czech, Indian, and European Agricultural Machinery Dealers Association. We are very familiar with many agricultural machinery manufacturers and the demand from the dealers and users. So far we are the excusive dealers in China of M.A.C.E (sugar beet machinery) and garlic seeder and harvesters in Spain, JF-STOLL (livestock machinery ) in Danmark and WM(potato machinery) in Germany. For agricultural machinery, you are welcome to contact with us.
電 話/Tel:0080-10-80489102, 0086-13911382003
傳 真/Fax:0086-10-80489102
聯 系 人/Contact: 肖金富 Jinfu Xiao
(肖金富與世界11個國家農機協會領導人的合影/ Group photo of main people from 11 agricultural machinery associations)