Beijing Buddy(北京博迪好友信息咨詢有限公司)成立于2008年,由北京大學光華管理學院的國際MBA團隊創立,服務集中在留學生較為密集的海淀區和朝陽區。截至目前已先后幫助來自北大,清華,人大,北語,北外等近20余所高校的上千名來自世界各地的留學生。通過幾年的努力,我們得到北京諸多高校的肯定,成為它們對其留學生的首要推薦服務公司。
Beijingbuddy(beijingbuddy) was founded by a group of International MBA students from Guanghua school of management in 2008, dedicates on helping exchange students to settle down in Beijing. It has helped over 1000 exchange students from PKU, Tsinghua, BLCU, Renmin, etc since 2008. Now it becomes a reputable brand which is the first recommendation option for most of the schools mentioned above.
Now the company is in the process of strategic development, we need talents with open-minded perspective, quick mover on execution, and great willingness to help others.
Apparently, this is not a big company that you can potentially work for 10 years, it’s a start-up program that you can try everything and learn really fast within the shortest period. Frankly speaking, it’s gonna be tired, suffering, exciting and fun. Looking forward to hearing from you if you feel this is something making you excited.