Enage China(北京采恩科技)---專業的辦公自動化軟件提供商。Enage將韓國的OA產品帶到中國,致力于為企業提供成熟完善的企業信息化解決方案。
ENAGE has a vision to carry out a role of leading enterprise to initiate the new Internet and digital era to come forward. Even though the concept of digital is successfully settled down as the new paradigm, it is not still easy to generate positive business success by making the full advantage of it. There are various factors causing difficulties such as excessive costs, lack of expertise, and languid response to the rapid changes, which bring off the blind spots of informatization, and increase the number of people who are out of the digital benefits, ENAGE is addressing our resolution to do away with such digital blind sports and open up the new arena where everyone will enjoy the benefits of informatization. For this, ENAGE will put ceaseless endeavors into developing the top-quality products, which are the most convenient and efficient in the enterprise and Inter environments, and have the economic advantages, and are designed by the best expert in this field.
ENAGE will take part in building up (EN) the new age (AGE) of digital technology to be grown into the stable and established enterprise. Ensuring solid adherence to our founding mission, ENAGE will be your trustworthy partner to serve you with the customer-oriented perspective and help your company get on the right tract to success. Please, keep your attention to ENAGE's growth and progress in the future.
Best Solution Enterprise
ENAGE will be grown as the number one solution business by making its fullest effort in everything. ENAGE will put it into practice to realize the full satisfaction of the customers with top-ranked technology and services in all sectors of business and products.
Enterprise to consider Human first
The warm-hearted digital world via the Internet is what ENAGE is pursuing for. We will be dedicated to coming true the Internet for human beings, the transition to the warm new age beyond the cold digital age, and the informatization era where nobody is behind.
Ethical and Strong Enterprise
To be positioned as the new leader of the IT industry to develop the future, we will make our business progress based upon the honesty and trust. Through the adherence to the future, we will make our business progress based upon the honesty and trust. Though the adherence to the principles of trust and sincerity, ENAGE will stand out as the ethical and powerful enterprise in the market