百合麗蓮在“為美麗女人的健康而努力”的企業使命驅使下,專注從中醫婦科角度出發,整合北京名老中醫稀缺資源,轉化大醫驗方,開發芙蓉、扶芳等專為女性精心設計的健康產品,為女性提供更科學、均衡、全面的健康食品;以“治未病”為目的,通過現代化健康管理模式,對女性身體狀況進行全面的跟蹤預測,對疾病進行早期預警,并提供中醫婦科、飲食保健、運動保健等女性駐顏健體解決方案。 為美麗女人的健康而努力是百合麗蓮光榮且神圣的使命,我們深信在您我的共同努力下,我們必將成為女性的值得信任的健康產品公司。
Baihelily,driven by the mission of “working for the health of beautiful women”,is really concern about women.It makes full use of scarce resources of Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine,through the modernized health management,from the aspects of heritage,life habit,diet and professional behavior to have a comprehensive tracking and predicting for the women’s physical status,to indicate or warn of the disease in advance.At the same time,it can also provide three kinds of solutions in gynecology of Chinese traditional medicine,diet health care and exercise health care.
Working for the health of beautiful women,our corporation perspective is to become the first choice for most trusted women health product corporation.