柏林視覺是亞太知名的企業品牌形象設計機構,多年來一直致力于為企業提供國際化、專業化、個性化的視覺行銷及策劃服務。.柏林視覺企業形象設計有限公司于2001年成立,主創人員均具有多年實戰工作經驗,公司秉承“立足國際高度”的理念,恪守“創造具商業價值設計”的宗旨,堅持“力求精品,拒絕作業”,迅速成為亞太地區知名的企業品牌形象設計機構之一。.柏林視覺以“企業品牌形象設計”為核心業務,主要為客戶提供標志設計、cis、包裝設計、畫冊印刷、展覽展示和網站多媒體等品牌建設、提升及推廣服務,足跡涉及金融科技、地產建筑、電子通信、法律教育、汽車、it、餐飲百貨、旅游娛樂等眾多領域。.先后接受視覺中國、設計中國、視覺同盟、中華廣告網、《21世紀廣告》、《包裝與設計》.等業內媒體專訪;.加入ccii首都企業形象研究會會員并任其理事;.加入國際平面設計社團icograda協會;.受邀成為北京奧運國家“水立方”項目的供應合作單位;.榮獲國際青年設計創意英才獎.榮獲中國進出口包裝協會“包裝之星”獎;.眾多作品入選《亞太設計年鑒》、《中國設計年鑒》、《包裝與設計》等專業書籍;.長期參與中歐等國家創意行業論壇與交流研討。.bl visual is an asia-pacific well-known mechanism of enterprise brand identity design. it has been aiming at providing international, professional and individualized visual marketing and planning for corporations these years..bl visual corporate identity design co., ltd. was founded in 2001, all chief creators of which have many years’ actual combat working experiences. the company inherits the idea of “on the international base”, sticks to the tenet of “creating the design of the highest commercial value” and keeps “aiming at masterpiece& refusing activity”, quickly becoming one of the asia-pacific well-known mechanisms of corporation brand identity design. .bl visual takes “corporate identity design” as the core business, mainly providing mark design, cis, package design, album printing, exhibition, telecommunication, and website multi-media and other brand buildings, promotion and extension for its clients, setting its foot in financial technology, land building, telecommunication, legal education, automobile, it, restaurant& general merchandise, traveling& entertainment and many other fields... bl accepted the interviews by china visual, china design, vision union, china advertisement, 21-ad, .. package-design and other industrial media in 2005 and was evaluated as “chinese top design mechanism”;.. bl entered ccii capital corporation image research association, being the director;.. bl entered international council of graphic design associations;.. bl was invited to be the supply cooperative unit of beijing olympic national project of “water cube”;.. bl was invited and qualified to design the emblem of the “shenzhen26th universiade”;.. bl has gained the international young design entrepreneur of the year 07 award;.. bl has gained award for excellence of china import& export package association, “star of package”;.. many works have been selected in asia-pacific design almanac, china design almanac, package& design and other professional books;.. bl often participates in the seminars and discussions in innovative industry with sino-european countries.