The Ashar Hotel Beijing is situated near the CBD close to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Fenglian Plaza. It takes about 5 minutes to walk to the closest subway station and 10 minutes by car to Tiananmen Square and other of Beijing’s numerous historical sights; 45 minutes to the Beijing Capital International Airport. It has modern architecture, cool, elegant interiors and efficient service. The Ashar Hotel Beijing is located near the corporate heart and the tourist attractions of Beijing . Whether for business or pleasure, our friendly and proficient staff takes pride in anticipating and satisfying your needs. It is also the first non-smoking hotel in Beijing. The Ashar Hotel Beijing has 165 luxurious, well-appointed rooms, including 6 suites. It offers exquisite accommodations, friendly hospitality and efficient service.
北京愛莎酒店位于北京市東城區朝陽門內大街130號,是按國際四星級標準建設 ,坐落于商務中心的附近,毗鄰中國外交部大樓和豐聯國際廣場,步行五分鐘就可到達近的地鐵站,乘車10分鐘就可到達天安門廣場或其他的歷史景點。到達首都機場也只需45分鐘的車程。她擁有現代化的建筑結構,時尚高雅的內部環境和**的服務。坐落于市中心,靠近旅游景點的愛莎酒店,將為您提供豪華優美的住宿條件和熱情周到的服務。無論您是出差還是旅游,我們熱情嫻熟的員工都將及時為您服務,設身處地的滿足您的需求,并因此感到榮幸。此外,這還是北京**家無煙酒店。本酒店擁有165間豪華,設備完善的客房。北京愛莎酒店將為您提供精致優美的客房,熱情友好的接待和**的服務。