博威展覽一直遵循“CIS”的服務理念,即 “溝通Communication、創新Innovation、服務Service”,在過去的幾年中,我們服務于通用電氣(GE)、中國銀行、索尼(SONY)、時空、中核集團、醫科達、海信地產、中國核學會、馬來西亞棕櫚油、東軟、瓦里安、原子能、北人、湯姆遜等知名企業,并得到他們的肯定及贊譽,在這些背后,是我們 “Power Circle”的標準,即: 準備(Prepare)、 組織(Organize)、執行(Work)、評價(Evaluate)、再思考(Rethink)。這個 “POWER”即是我們的公司名稱,也是我們的企業態度和整個工作流程。
無論何時何地,我們的團隊和廣泛的網絡都將為您提供“佳的展覽活動解決方案” 。
Powerexpo,established in 2002, is a professional promotion and strategic planning company specializing in exhibition designing and implementation. We can help you create the best image of your company and hit your target market across China as quickly as possible.
‘Communication, Innovation, Service’ has always been our service philosophy. Our clients are among the top players worldwide like GE , Bank of China, SONY, PERFECT WORLD, CNNC、ELEKTA、Hisense、CNS、MPOC、Neusoft、VARIAN、CIAE、BEIREN、THOMSON,etc.
From outstanding design to flawless execution, we use “Power Circle” standard which are Prepare, Organize,Work, Evaluate and Rethink. “Power” is not only our name, but also our wrokflow and professional spirit.
Our outstanding service team and excellent market network ensure you the “Best Exhibition and Promotion Solution” anywhere and anytime.