JDX Education Consulting LLC.是獲美國及佛州教育部門批準的的教育服務機構。其總部位于美國的佛州,在中國的北京,西安,上海,廣州,深圳,昆明,濟南,沈陽等地均設有分部。
早在21世紀初,JDX的創始人及它的團隊就開始從事中美交換生及中學合作項目,有著豐富的行業經驗。JDX Education Consulting LLC. 作為校方代表,負責北美40多所優質中學在中國的國際交流和招生工作,為北美中學的文化多元化和國際化,做出了杰出的貢獻。同時,也為中國的留學機構,學生和家長了解北美的教育體系和學校的特點特長,提供了近距離溝通的平臺。公司同時也提供夏令營、冬令營等國際交流項目,憑借多位德高望重的教育精英的成功經驗,為前往北美的留學生提供細致的服務、人性化關懷和升學指導,使學生能更好地融入留學生活,理解不同文化背景下的觀念差異,正確規劃未來的職業發展,成為具有國際化視野及綜合素質的人才。因此,也逐步得到了留學行業、學生及學生家長的認可。
JDX Education Consulting LLC.會繼續秉承“3A” (All for you - your education, your future, and your life)的教育理念,幫助更多學生都找到屬于自己的人生舞臺。
JDX Education Consulting LLC. was one of North America’s leading educational investment companies and has been approved by both the U.S Department of Education and the Florida Department of State. The company is mainly engaged in the modern education service areas such as Chinese study abroad, exchange students, education and training programs. Its business is conducted mainly in the US, Canada, and mainland China. The company has its headquarters in Florida in the United States, and has offices in mainland China, in Beijing, Xi’an, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Kunming, and other locations.
The founder and work team of JDX are elites in the industry, who have been dedicated to promoting academic exchanges and cultural development of high school students between Chinese and North American countries from the early 2000’s. Now with its extensive network of contacts, JDX Education Consulting LLC. has obtained the exclusive admission representative rights for more than 40 high schools in the United States. The company also organizes summer camps, winter camps, and other international exchange activities. As a school representative, JDX always upholds the responsibility to recruit outstanding Chinese students for its partners, while making an enormous contribution to the cultural diversification and internationalization of North American high schools. The company also provides a close communication platform where students, parents, and Chinese agencies can have a better understanding of our partner schools and of North America’s education system.
JDX is committed to providing detailed overseas services, personalized care, and further educational guidance, so that students can better adjust to the different life and different culture, can properly plan their careers and futures, can develop their talents to the utmost, and can become truly international in their potential.
JDX Education Consulting LLC. will continue our “3A”(All for you - your education, your future, and your life) concept, to help more students find their own success in life.