北京德蘭和創科技有限公司 (deland.net)一直以建設和諧、健康社會為出發點,以科學技術為立足點,致力于節能、減排、 安全產品的研發和生產。德蘭和創成功開發了生物酶產品,憑借優良的品質,產品迅速占領市場, 德蘭和創也成為本行業中國大的生產企業。北京德蘭和創科技有限公司食品分公司是一家立足于生物科技的高新技術企業,集研發、生產、銷售于一體,為廣大速凍行業、肉制品行業、方便食品行業、休閑小食品行業、餐飲調味品行業提供美味、營養、天然健康的食品配料及調味原料。德蘭和創立足于技術創新,匯聚了國內外生物工程博士、碩士及食品行業內資深的調香師、調味及工藝工程人員等,擁有雄厚的技術實力和國內外先進的生產設備,具備了國內外前沿的現代生物工程加工技術及食品配料加工及檢測技術,包括動植物原料精選提取技術,生物酶定向酶解技術、熱反應生香技術、脂肪氧化技術、微乳化技術,風味分子及呈味物質微膠囊包埋技術等;這些高新技術的運用,賦予了德蘭和創的系列產品高科技含量,從而可以滿足不同客戶個性化、現代化、概念化的多方位需求,以及滿足一些食品加工的苛刻工藝要求。
Company Profile
Beijing Deland Technology Co., Ltd food branch is a manufacturer of high quality meat flavors, seasoning ingredients and natural extracts for producers of fast frozen food, processed meat, snack food, instant noodles and hotel food industry with modern bioenzymatic technologies, Maillard reaction, flavor creation, microcapsule technologies and GC-MS inspection tech etc. Deland is established in innovation of technology, has a R&D center with PHD, Master and senior flavorists, application engineers and process technologists. Deland develops new products at the personalized demand of clients. Deland is doing its best to provide excellent products and perfect services by establishing branches in key areas such as Zhengzhou and Chengdu.
Food is the God of people and good taste is the god of food. Chinese food culture with long history provides us endless creation inspiration. Deland is dedicated to providing the highest quality and healthy products of good flavor, delicious taste and nutrition with best raw materials and modern technologies.