Beijing An Orange Technology &Trade CO.,Ltd
The creator of Flawless UK- that is the personal skin care brand focusing on selling natural and organic body & skincare products for women and men . Involved brands come from the United Kingdom and Italy, including BIOEARTH, CALADORE, GOAT MILK, BELLITAS and so on .
With its unique market position and professional sales method, Flawless Uk guided a new trend in personal care products market. Since the date of entry into China, and gradually established a healthy, comfortable, amiable, and elegant brand image.
In order to cope with the rapid development of Flawless UK in China, we are looking for talented and motivated individuals to join our team and share our successful experiences in the exciting market.. The company will provide a developing platform and attractive salary and other benefits for our employee.
Welcome to join us , and email your resume attached photo to flawlessuk@163
創建Flawless UK個人護理品牌, 旗下品牌均來自英國和意大利,包括BIOEARTH,CALADORE,GOAT MILK,BELLITAS等有機,精油類天然產品。
自進入中國大陸之日起,Flawless UK以其獨特的市場定位及專業的銷售方式,在個人護理產品市場上嶄新上市,并逐步建立了健康,舒適,親和,優雅的品牌形象。
公司致力于打造具活力和競爭力的個人護理品牌,培養具有專業服務和素質的護理師團隊。為了配合Flawless UK在中國的快速發展,期待您的加入并分享我們的成功經驗。公司將為員工創造良好的就業環境和發展平臺。提供各項專業培訓及完整的考核晉升機制,社保等福利,請有意者將詳細簡歷資料及個人照片以E-mail形式發至:jennifer@flawlessuk