pharmabiosolutions (pbs) is a uk based company. it also has an office in beijing. pbs operation in beijing has been registered as a wofe (wholly owned foreign enterprise) with the beijing authority and has all the necessary licences and tax registration (including vat) to provide its services to its clients throughout china.
pbs team of highly experienced european consultants have on average 20 years experience covering all aspects of qualification and validation for emea, and us fda. they have worked with most of major international companies in various plants around the world.
to provide a high quality but cost effective solution to its clients in china, pbs project team includes both european and chinese engineers. 為向中國客戶提供高質量并且低成本的解決方案,法瑪碧歐項目團隊即包括歐洲也包括中國工程師。
pbs engineers have been working on all aspects of pharmaceutical and biotechnology manufacturing production including:法瑪碧歐工程師致力工作于制藥和生物技術生產各個方面,包括:
?api manufacturing (lab, pilot, full production)
?biotech manufacturing (bioreactors, preparation, purification, etc)
?finishing processes (solid dose, parental, etc)
?cleaning and sterilisation (cip/sip)
?hvac including building management systems (bms) & environmental monitoring systems (ems)
?utilities: water (purified, wfi), clean steam, clean air, gases, etc
pbs automation team with their vast experience in implementation of automation solution for pharmaceutical industry globally can provide advice and support in defining their requirement and creating urs
global standards such as isa-s88 (iec 61512), s95 are extensively used as the bases for the definition and design of automation systems. a vast majority of systems provided by pbs have been designed to satisfy 21 cfr part11 electronic records & electronics signatures.
國際標準比如isa-s88 (iec 61512), s95在定義和設計自控系統過程中被廣泛使用。由法瑪碧歐提供的大部分系統均滿足21 cfr part 11電子記錄和電子簽名。
systems supplied by pbs have been implemented following gamp guidelines and have successfully passed emea and us fda inspections
pbs can provides turnkey automation systems including installation and complete validation. its services includes法瑪碧歐可以提供自控系統交鑰匙工程,包括安裝和完整的認證,服務包括有:
?feasibility studies and assistance in creating urs 可行性研究和協助創建urs
?assistance in risk assessment協助風險評估
?creating quality plan創建質量計劃
?creating design documents: functional specification, hardware specification, software design specification, software module specification創建設計文檔:功能規范,硬件規范,軟件設計規范,軟件模塊規范
?build cabinets, supply of field devices 制造柜體,提供現場設備
?develop software開發軟件
?create test protocols: factory acceptance test protocol. site acceptance protocol創建測試方案:工廠驗收測試方案,現場驗收方案
?execution of protocols執行方案
as an independent supplier of automation solution they can offer the most suitable hardware solution for your applications. we offer automation solutions based on any of the following hardware platforms: 作為一個的自動化解決方案供應商,可為您的應用提供合適的硬件解決方案。我們可基于以下任何硬件平臺提供自動化解決方案:
?dcs systems 集散控制系統
?plc based systems 基于plc的系統
?scada based solutions 基于scada的系統
?data management systems (local and plant wide) 數據管理系統(本地和全廠)
?mes systems 制造執行系統
?lims systems 實驗室信息管理系統
solutions offers include most of major brand names including: siemens, invensys, rockwell, honeywell, schneider, abb, johnson controls, etc. 提供的解決方案包括大多數主要品牌包括:西門子,英維思,羅克韋爾,霍尼韋爾,施耐德,abb,江森控制等