北京菲米特電子科技有限公司主要從事各類鋼管生產線、鋼管精整設備、電子管等高科技產品的出口業務。成立十年來,發展迅速。目前公司的出口量在國內同行業中處于遙遙的地位,年銷售額達4000萬美元,客戶遍布**60多個國家和地區。很多國外知名企業如ABB, Arcelor Mittal等均成為公司的客戶。很多國內知名企業如太原重工、中國重型機械研究院、中科院電子所等均為公司的供應商。
PHAMITECH International, since set up in 2003, is committed and dedicated to provide the most cost effective and reliable products to customers worldwide. Courage, imagination and vision were the prime ingredients that were embedded into the formation of the company. The experience, flexibility, and ability to integrate all solutions available and to tailor our solutions to satisfy the diverse customer requirements have sustained the successful development of PHAMITECH to become the most important supplier of Chinese pipe mills on the global market.
PHAMITECH is also an important supplier for Hot Rolling Mills, Cold Rolling Mills, Strip Processing Lines, RF / Microwave Components, Induction Heating Equipment, and various Rolls / Toolings.