finalist it group (netherlands)是一家有著十三年發展歷史的荷蘭it公司。我們主要基于java技術和internet為我們的客戶提供技術開發的解決方案。 .多年來,我們一直成功地幫助我們的客戶分析、設計、開發和管理他們的應用系統。經過幾年的努力,我們已經成為開源軟件和java技術方面的。同時,我們也擁有技術和提供基于webservice,xml及ruby等新技術應用的開發服務。 .在it行業,停頓意味著失敗,這就是為什么我們在finalist不斷改進我們的軟件開發方法和不斷的應用新的技術,更重要的是,我們在不斷的培養我們的員工和團隊,鼓勵他們不斷地挑戰自己,”never stop developing”。 .finalist在荷蘭的阿姆斯特丹、鹿特丹、埃因霍溫均設有軟件開發基地。在finalist我們倡導誠實和開放,倡導團隊協作并攜手前進,我們將這種精神稱之為快樂的專業精神!我們的員工定期都要參加公司活動,共同面對多樣的挑戰,比如到法國去旅游,從euromast上玩速降,體驗滑翔傘運動。 .我們的員工和他們的專業知識是我們寶貴的財富,這就是為什么我們在工作時間中定期參加培訓班以及定期開研討會來提高員工的能力,鼓勵公司員工學習和應用新技術,never stop developing。同時我們也鼓勵和組織我們的員工活躍在開源社區,我們與很多開源組織和項目保持著密切的聯系。我們參與的項目包括mmbase以及jag,同時我們也是jboss,sun,hp,bea,ibm等公司在java領域的重要合作伙伴。 .在荷蘭,我們經常去學校組織及參加一些技術論壇和活動,宣傳我們的技術理念和實踐方法。我們還提供給學生獎學金,鼓勵他們在it專業領域走得更遠。 .永不停步!熱情地歡迎你的加盟!.finalist it group is established in 1994 by founder and general manager jean-luc van hulst. in essence we are software developers specialized in java technology with more then 13 years of experience. and we has been adapting to the rapid changes in the it-industry and the development of new technologies. .we develop, implement and control applications for our customers,f from the beginning of the functional design to successfully giving support the applications for our clients for many years, over the last years we have become specialists in both open source technology and java technology. on the other hand we also do have the knowledge and the specialists to develop technologies like webservice, xml and ruby as well. .standstill means decline in the it-business. that is why we are constantly developing our software, but more important: developing our company and our people. it all comes together in our motto: “never stop developing!” .finalist it group is situated in the netherlands and has offices in rotterdam, amsterdam and eindhoven. the culture in our company has three characteristics: honesty and openness, team spirit and flexibility. overall you can describe our culture as pleasantly professional. we also organize events for our employees on a regular base; like a trip to paris, abseiling from the euromast in rotterdam and a skydiving event. .our people and their knowledge are the most important asset of our company. that is why we encourage our people to keep up with the new developments and to improve their knowledge and skills. active involvement in training courses and attending seminars is common for our people. the time spend on these activities is of course company time. .we also give lectures about technologies at universities and events. the fact that we invest in students by giving them free scholarships is a clear message to encourage students to choose an it-profession and to bring the it-education to a higher level.