北京飛思博科技公司(flexsci ltd.)成立于2002年,總部位于德勝科技園,是行業的仿真軟件供應商。我們的團隊在仿真軟件開發與市場推廣、計算機仿真技術咨詢服務領域具有豐富的經驗,我們為科研單位、高校、工業企業及汽車制造商提供的仿真軟件及服務,包括:實時(半實物)仿真軟件及硬件平臺、復雜多相流動/熱力學及燃燒動力學、跨平臺多學科的協同仿真環境與多目標優化、生化工程間歇或半連續過程模擬與優化以及復雜系統分析。更多的信息可以登錄我們的官方網站flexsci。
founded in 2002 as a consulting firm with hq in desheng science park, flexsci ltd. is the leading supplier of simulation software. flexsci team consists of wide experience in developing & marketing of simulation software and related consulting services. flexsci also has wide experience in associating with the aerospace, defense, academic institutions, engineering industries and automotive oem’s by offering them with high end simulation software and services in the areas of real-time simulation (hil simulation) and hw platform, complex multiphase flow / thermodynamics and combustion dynamics , cross platform and multiphysics co-simulation environment / optimization, batch or semi-continuous process analysis for bioprocess and chemical process and complex system analysis. you may find more on our official website flexsci.