空氣產品公司(Air Products, 紐約證券交易所代碼:APD)是一家居世界地位的跨國型工業氣體、功能材料和相關設備及服務供應商,為工業制造、能源、科技和醫療護理等領域提供獨特的產品、服務和解決方案。自1940年成立以來,空氣產品公司已在半導體材料、加氫煉制、家居保健服務、天然氣液化、高級涂料和粘合劑等高增長市場上確立了地位。公司在創新的企業文化、完善的管理和對環境及安全的保護承諾方面得到了廣泛的贊譽。居美國財富500強之列的空氣產品公司業務遍及40多個國家和地區,擁有18900名員工,2011財年營業額約101億美元。同時,空氣產品公司也是化工行業內安全紀錄好的公司之一,被列入**“道瓊斯可持續發展指數”。
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Air Products (NYSE:APD) serves customers in industrial, energy, technology and healthcare markets worldwide with a unique portfolio of atmospheric gases, process and specialty gases, performance materials, and equipment and services. Founded in 1940, Air Products has built leading positions in key growth markets such as semiconductor materials, refinery hydrogen, home healthcare services, natural gas liquefaction, and advanced coatings and adhesives. The company is recognized for its innovative culture, operational excellence and commitment to safety and the environment. Air Products has annual revenues of $10.1 billion, operations in over 40 countries, and 18,900 employees around the globe, listed among the Fortune 500 companies in the U.S. The company is one of safest chemical companies and has been a component of the Dow Jones Sustainability World Indexes.
Air Products was one of the first multinational gas corporations to invest in China and have been serving the China market since 1987. Today, Air Products has more than 40 entities, 50 production facilities and 2,200 employees throughout the country. Air Products supplies atmospheric gases, process and specialty gases, performance materials, equipment and services to a diversity of markets in China.
For more information, please visit airproducts.