紅日合美財務顧問有限是經北京市工商局認證核準獲得代理服務的機構,公司成立于2004年4月28日 ,由外事服務機構、會計師事務所、商業注冊服務機構、商業顧問機構、管理服務團共同組建。我們憑借在社會各界建立的廣泛關系,以“業精于勤”的業務原則,本著“以誠立信,以信致遠”的經營理念,為各層面、各行業的客戶提供優質而**的服務。
BEIJING REDSUN HARMONY FINANCIAL CONSULTING CO., LTD. (BRH) is a professional financial service firm qualified by Beijing Administration of Industry and Commerce (BAIC). Founded in 28th April, 2004 by an association of several public service segments, such like: Beijing foreign affaires service, public accounting firms, trade mark registration services, public business consulting and public business management services, we have quickly set up a wide social network and offered a high quality and high efficient service to our clients of different industries and different social classes. Our principal is “faithful and hard work to our clients with an adaptable solution”.
BRH has a team of experienced experts in financial and law fields, they are excellent both in domestic business and foreign accounting services, which assures our clients 360°caring financial service and high responsibility. Believe us we could do better! To strictly take care of our clients’ commercial secret and give every client a personal satisfied treatment is our promise forever.
Especially for Foreign Invested Companies (FIC) in China, BRH offers a full-ranged service including: (1)creation of a FIC(2)tax optimization &reduction (3)consulting on FIC’s financial operation (4)consulting on China official preferential policies for FIC (5)bookkeeping/accounting service(6)market research report for FIC(7)legal annulations/legal changements of a company for FIC(8)door to door service for special financial services(9)annul firm verification service and properties assessment