北京華人杰商貿有限公司成立于2000年,公司生產基地位于浙江和廣東,并在廣州、上海、溫州、辛集設有分支機構。經過幾年的努力和發展,依靠精湛的專業技術、完備的專業制作設備、嚴格的生產管理、周到的售后服務,已從過去單一的拉鏈、鈕扣產品發展成為集研發、生產、銷售多種輔料為一體的輔料多元化企業。公司以穩定的產品質量、準時的交期、滿意的服務,贏得了國內外客戶的廣泛贊許和信賴。為了加強與國內外客戶的充分合作與交流,促進企業生產經營和我國輔料事業的發展,公司積極加入了中國服裝協會和廣東省拉鏈協會,并于2006年成為中國服裝協會會員、中國廣東省拉鏈協會副會長單位,2007年成為中國服裝協會理事單位, 2008年成為中國五金制品協會拉鏈分會會員單位。
Huarenjie Garment Accessories Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was established in 2000 with the produce bases located in Zhejiang and Guangdong and branches in Guangzhou, Shanghai and Wenzhou or Xinji. After constant efforts, with professional technology, complete equipments, strict production management and considerate after sale service, the company has developed from the zipper and button products into an enterprises specialized in developing, making and selling diversified garment accessories. Currently, the company has earned wide praise and high confidence from domestic and foreign clients with stable quality, timely delivery and satisfied service. In order to strengthen the cooperation and communication with domestic and foreign clients, promote the operation and the development of Chinese accessories industry, the company has joined in the Chinese China National Garment Association and Guangdong Zipper Association, and worked as the member of Chinese China National Garment Association and vice chairman member of Guangdong Zipper Association in 2006 become the Director Member of China National Garment Association in 2007.
Huarenjie insists on the principle of incerity, keeping faith and equity and the spirit of elf-confidence, adamancy and dedication? we believe that the effort and new products of the company will bring the brand new feeling for you.
-2003年,華人杰(上海) 分公司成立, 公司打開銷售渠道,躋身于同行前列.
-2004年,在廣東創辦生產基地分支機構, 實現了集研發、生產、銷售為一體的經營模式。開辟了覆蓋國內各大中城市和輻射歐、美的營銷網絡,銷售業務得到迅速發展。