NAI Global is one of the world's leading providers of commercial real estate services. NAI manages a network with 5,000 professionals and 350 offices in 55 countries worldwide. We bring together people and resources wherever needed to deliver outstanding results for our clients, and complete over $45 billion in transactions annually. Our clients come to us for our deep local knowledge. They build their businesses on the power of our global managed network.
NAI Global作為**知名的商業房地產服務領袖之一,集合5,000位專業菁英,于55個國家擁有350家分支機構,為客戶提供國際化專業房地產服務。聚集專業人士及資源網絡,以國際化理念結合當地實際經驗,為客戶提供無與倫比的專業服務,年成交營業額高達450億美元。