北京虹宇匯通咨詢有限公司受Skytex China公司委托在北京招聘跟單員。Skytex China是一家意大利公司,近2年公司的業務迅速擴大。公司以做時裝為主,主要為歐洲及美國客戶生產國際品牌的服裝。其中國部分主要是監督和掌控服裝生產。
Skytex China非常欣賞思維活躍、有創造力、勇于接收挑戰、并具有團隊合作精神的人,公司愿與他們一起實現公司的目標。
Company introduction:
We are an Italian company with offices in Italy and China who has developed greatly in the last 2 years.We serve European and American clients with worldwide brands in the fashion industry.We help them in finding and following their production of high end knitwear in China. We specialize in cashmere and cashmere blended knitwear especially in fine gauge and upper scale market.
We value open and active minds that are willing to challenge themselves and wok in team with their colleagues in order to achieve the company's sales and production targets.We offer fast growing personal and economic development.
If you are interested in applying for the above position,please send your CV in both English and Chinese to us.