Ocean Grounds Coffee company is a California, US coffee brand launching their first flagship store in Beijing Oct, 1.
Ocean Grounds Organic Coffee & Tea
is a progressive thinking organic
coffee brand for the 21st century. We
launch in China in January of 2011.
Introduce artisan, coffee roasting and
specialty coffee blends designed for
the Chinese consumer as the first,
100% organic [and fair trade] coffee
roaster in China.
Luxury brand - create 1st organic
specialty food, coffee, and tea retail
destination in China.
Position brand as “fusion” of
California culture [natural & eco-hip]
through interior design, color, brand
marketing, and unique technology
story that [literally] delivers Southern
California “cool” to China in coffee
bar setting.
Growth Strategy
Phase I - Utilize our unique retail
storefronts to connect consumers
to our “roaster/retailer” philosophy
and positioning.
“purveyors of specialty artisan coffee”
Phase II - Align imported organic
foods with coffee strategy.
“purveyor of imported organic foods”
Phase III - Distribute and market
wholesale specialty coffee
throughout Asia.
“Ocean Grounds becomes a luxury item
you want people to see in your home and