Carhart Inc. was established in 1985 with registration address Chicago, USA. We set up office in Bethesda,Chicago,Milwaukee, Beijing. We also established Beijing Carhart Global Trade Co.,Ltd. to extend our business in China. We specialize on Global Supply Chain Service (GSCS) and Global Market Service (GMS) between China and North American for more than 20 years.Provide China factory sourcing, project development,product design,Optimize process, technical support,quality inspection,international logistics transportation in GSCS area.Provide sales presentation,marketing, advertising and support service in China tailored to the Chinese Market in GMS area.
Company philosophy:We respect staff more than business and provide overall room for employee to development with company growth.
美國開懷有限公司成立于1985年注冊于美國芝加哥,我們在美國貝塞斯達、芝加哥、密爾沃基和中國北京設立辦公室。且于2006年在中國成立子公司(北京開懷環球經貿有限公司)來擴大在中國的業務,。我們專長于**連鎖供應商服務(GSCS)和**市場服務,基于中國與北美的業務超過20多年的歷史。我們在GSCS領域, 根據國外客戶需求在中國進行篩選工廠參與合作,項目開發,技術支持,優化工藝,質量檢測服務,國際倉庫物流運輸服務。在GMS領域我們提供銷售,市場開發,廣告策劃和針對中國市場進行設計的針對性服務。