北京凱基鼎世裝飾工程有限公司成立于2000年,經(jīng)過七年的發(fā)展,已形成以裝飾行業(yè)為主,多元化發(fā)展的企業(yè)發(fā)展格局。.公司大事記:.1 , 2000年北京凱基鼎世設(shè)計工程公司成立 .2, 2002年投資成立北京洞析力裝飾設(shè)計有限公司 .3, 2003年成立新永記裝飾材料有限公司.4, 2005年投資成立吉葉科技發(fā)展有限公司 .5, 2006年參股中元恒豐投資擔(dān)保有限公司 .北京凱基鼎世裝飾工程公司是一家專業(yè)裝飾工程公司。公司人文氣氛濃郁。辦公環(huán)境溫馨。企業(yè)管理人性和諧,管理團隊積極向上,企業(yè)注重員工自我價值的實現(xiàn)并以企業(yè)和員工和諧共贏為企業(yè)發(fā)展的高理念。公司成立七年來各方面均取得重大發(fā)展,并贏得眾多客戶的信任。.公司主要客戶有:.1.建設(shè)銀行.2.招商銀行.3.國務(wù)院國有資產(chǎn)管理局.4.中國人民解放軍總政治部.5.**軍委辦公廳.6.中國國家氣象局.7.北京銀泰酒店.8.柏悅酒店.9.2008年奧運會國家體育館........................公司現(xiàn)有員工100余人,團隊氛圍十分濃厚。如果你具有強烈實現(xiàn)自我價值的意愿,對未來生活質(zhì)量有強烈目標(biāo)和追求,并愿為之努力奮斗,我們愿意為你搭建通往成功之路的平臺,并將支持你、信任你。歡迎你的加入!. kjiasia, funded in 2000, is a young and great-hearted company. seven years overpassed, we are major in furniture industry, and expand to other areas gradually..important event .1. kjiasia decoration and design co, ltd established in 2000 .2. top design co, ltd established in 2002.3. xinyyongji decoration material co, ltd established in 2003.4. gye high tech. co, ltd. established in 2005.5. hold the stock of zhongyuanhengfeng investment underwriting co, ltd in 2006.6. hold the stock of zhongshiyou media co, ltd. kjiasia is a professional decoration company in the furniture industry. we are famous in the company culture and administrate concept. we have thought much of our employees, and encouraged everyone to achieve their goals. during these seven years, we win a lot of important customers .. today, kjiasia employs around 100 people, in the near future the employee number is expected to increase rapidly with the fast growth of kjiasia business in the market. we welcome more competent candidates to join us and grow with the fast growing company.