夸克電影網是**首家正版免費電影網站之一,明確提出“正版、完全免費、任意觀賞”的觀念。2006年4月28日,夸克電影網(quacor)上線試運行,并于11月18日宣布正式啟動,夸克電影網運營一年來,創新的新媒體理念和運營模式,倍受各界廣泛關注。.夸克電影網的母公司為美銘傳播集團。美銘傳播集團的前身是長安廣告公司,1995年4月創建于廣東中山,之后相繼創立風云體育、大中媒體、美銘文化等分支機構,是中國早開展整合傳播而成就卓越的代表公司之一,核心業務集中在廣告、體育、媒體、公關及投資五大領域,連續多年被評為cctv“十佳廣告代理公司”。2005年,美銘傳播集團戰略轉型為新媒體整合運營,投資千萬元創建夸克網。.電話:010-51657688.傳真:010-64820870.網址:quacor.cmg media group is one of the most important prototypical firm on integrating media groups in chinese market in past 10 years,overall operating margins running above rmb 1billion where tv ad shares 85%.cmg’s core business stays in 5 fields crossing advertisement, sport, media, public relationship and investment.in may 2005, the headquarter in charge moved to beijing with corporate concept transforming into integrating media groups. in 2006, cmg financed rmb 10 million to the establishment of beijing quacor interactive technology corporation ltd. .quacor brand and quacor movie website have shown their own exceptional virtues and influence in new media industry. quacor movie website is the world 1st movie website for copyright-movie absolutely free, crossing movie producing and distribution, internet integration and ads operation in new media. quacor movie website will be the best movie website of china in the future..tel:8610-51657688.fax:8610-64820870.website:quacor