北京柯洛瑪文化交流有限公司(ESDA 歐洲設計師聯合工作室旗下)是意大利Gruppo Zeta公司(1986年鞠塞佩.賈拉卡先生創建于意大利)在中國經歷20年風雨壯大起來的一家匯聚意大利和中國建筑師、工程師、設計師、
ESDA-EuroShanghai Construction & Design Consultation Co. Ltd., a professional international group which is composed of excellent European and Chinese architects, engineers, designers, photographers. It was come of
Gruppo Zeta Company & Found by Mr. Giuseppe Giarracca and his partner in Italy in 1982. It have developed and enlarged in last 20years. For the moment, this company has international qualification and china national Grade A License, the branch company locate in Roma, Sicily, Barcelona, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Zhengzhou Etc.
The company operation items included architecture, gardens, landscape design, interior design and decoration
works, Layout of great exhibition, photograph service, art events etc, mostly business is design, construction
work. Especially work for design and restoration and decoration with rich experience of top grade building,
gardens sight, star hotels and luxury villa.
We are also provide professional service in selecting materials, engineering, furniture, warming system, lighting
and decoration for content to every client in special quality and luxury degree.
Every last design project and construction project which is natal in ESDA, it is all working by Italian designer
and engineer of themselves, it is all commissary the most advanced European design philosophy, it is all commissary the most strict European construction arts and crafts, it is all commissary the most romantic European art feeling.