Sinoleo China Division 是一家極具創造力的互動媒體營銷公司,由一群來年輕且才華出眾的團隊組成。自成立之日起,我們就為在中國,外國企業和政府組織提供一系列行之有效的市場產品推廣方案,取得很好的效果。Sinoleo Inc.于2007年7月正式歸屬于ValueClick Inc (valueclick)管理。
Sinoleo China Division consists of a group of very talented developers, e-marketing strategists, ads architects, contend developers and internet experts. Since the beginning, we have been fortunate to work with multinational companies and government organizations active in China. A proven record of technical competence, local knowledge, and creative edge made this possible.