好的建筑設計是能用建筑影響使用者,能夠促進人類之間的情感以及能與周圍的環境相互呼應.經過30余年的歷練,MIG建筑設計公司始終堅持其核心思想:創造具有改革性的建筑,并且為之努力 。
建筑設計 :可行性研究 ,方案設計 ,初步設計 ,施工圖審核 ,現場服務
規劃設計 :場地分析 ,規劃方案設計 ,土地投標文件制作
城市設計 :區域性城市規劃
室內設計 :酒店設計,別墅設計,公寓設計,商業空間設計,辦公樓宇內部空間設計
MIG was established in 1978 with New York office as headquarters and branch office in Beijing and Hongkong of China, Paris of France. MIG has over 100 professional and support staff members. The types of MIG works cover, hotel, commercial building, office town, residential buildings and villa etc. In addition to architecture, specialties of MIG also include interior design, master planning, urban planning and landscaping and so on. The firm in China presently accommodates 20 people and continues to grow steadily in size and workload. It open the China market successfully in recent years. MIG China has been involved in project planning, architectural design and interior design for many large and medium size projects.
The best architecture include recognizing the architectural impact on users, promoting human interaction and responding to the surrounding environment. Through thirty years of practice, MIG’ score theme is to create the innovation project and devotes its best efforts to make it into practice.
Since the establishment of its China office, the firm gives top priority to quality to bring world class architectural products to the China market. The firm’s meticulous approach, brave design fashions and rich experiences not only earn tremendous trust from the clients but also bring fresh design energy into Chinese market. We believe that it is a relentless pursuit of finding ways to connect function, need, and most importantly, to develop a unique sense of place.
MIG Services
Architectural Design: Feasibility Studies, Concept Design, Primary Design, Construction Drawing review, Site Consulting Service
Urban Design: Site Dialysis Repot, Master Plan Design, Bidding documents
City Planning: Regional Planning
E-mail adress:info@migarchitects