北京蘭京健元國際貿易有限責任公司是荷蘭MAT 公司應市場需求在中國成立的分公司
MAT是一家荷蘭集研發、生產為一體的專營體育健身產品公司。公司創建于2006年,總部以及研發中心設在阿姆斯特丹。此外,在北京,香港和廣州均設有辦公室。為了達到更高,更專業的標準,我們已經和國內外多家體育學院及機構達成長期合作關系:包括北京體育大學,阿姆斯特丹大學,謝菲爾德大學體育學院等。MAT 將以高品質要求自己,發揚不斷創新,積極開拓的精神,并將始終秉承把健康帶進千家萬戶的集團理念。公司以優良的產品,一體化的服務和的售后,已經成功拓展了亞洲,歐洲以及美洲市場,并得到廣大客戶的一致好評。
公司自主研發生產的M.A.T訓練器,一經推出便受到世界上熱愛健康人士的喜愛,它以獨特的 C-曲線形設計而享譽國際健身界,并已成功申請國際專利。該產品不僅在法蘭克福FIBO博覽會上取得成功展出,并被評為2010年度佳體育發明。在中國舉辦的第26屆世界體育用品博覽會上,又一次博得了體育和健身愛好者的喜愛。
Company Introduction
Fitnessmat, founded in 2006, is a Dutch company dedicated in researching and developing fitness equipments. It has strong R&D supporting team and outsourcing parties.
Headquartered in Amsterdam, the company has branch offices in Beijing, Guangzhou and Hongkong. Its business covers all over the world. In order to reach a higher and more professional level, we have set up long-term cooperation relationship with famous international universities and institutes, like Beijing Sports University, University of Amsterdam, the University of Sheffield, etc.. FITNESSMAT has consistently strived for higher quality through constant innovation and active depoitation, and adhered to the philosophy of bringing health and fitness to everyone.
The newly invented product by our own R&D supporting team - the M.A.T (Maxi Abdominal Trainer) with its unique curved design is an innovation in fitness circle in the latest 10 years and enjoys high reputation in the world. It has patent pending while already internationally approved for its Innovative Curved Design. The M.A.T has showed on FIBO with successful response, meanwhile, it was recognized as Fitness invention of the year.