林大藝術中心于1990年開業至今已近23年。總部位于印尼雅加達,主要代理來自中國、印尼、以及泰國的當代藝術家。中國藝術家有:郭晉、黃鋼、蔣朔、隋建國、吳少湘、肖紅、薛松、葉永青、鐘飆、趙能智、劉敏、劉寶亮、陳虹竹、鄧新黎、李繼開、劉佳、石大宇、曹靜萍等;東南亞的藝術家有:喜大業、Awiki、Rearngsak Boonyavanishkul、Agapetus、Astari Rasjid等。另成立分點於新加坡及北京。林大藝術中心成立近19年來,我們一直秉持為世界各地收藏家提供東南亞藝術家的諸多佳作、盡力為藏家和藝術家們提供專業服務的精神。畫廊曾為東南亞和中國的眾多藝術家在中國、東南亞等地策劃和舉辦過很多大型的藝術展和活動,同時多次參加中國、印尼、新加坡的大型藝術活動,如印尼博物館展覽、新加坡美術博覽會、中國國際畫廊博覽會、紐約當代藝術博覽會、邁阿密藝術博覽會等。
Linda Gallery, established in 1990, has been an active player in the industry for 23 years. The main gallery is sited in Jakarta, Indonesia. The gallery represents many outstanding contemporary artists from China, Indonesia, Thailand, and other Asian artists. Among the Chinese artists we represent are:Guo Jin, Huang Gang, Jiang Shuo, Sui Jianguo, Wu Shaoxiang, Xiao Hong, Xue Song, Ye Yongqing, Zhong Biao, Zhao Nengzhi,Liu Min, Liu Baoliang, Chen Hongzhu,Deng Xinli, Li Jikai, Liu Jia,Shi Dayu, Cao Jingping, SP Hidayat, Awiki, Rearngsak Boonyavanishkul, Agapetus, Astari Rasjid and so on.And eatablished branch in Singapore and Beijing.In this period of almost 2 decades, we continuously strive to provide collectors around the world with good quality works, as well as to serve collectors and artists with professionalism and whole heartedly. Linda Gallery has hosted, participated and curated numerous important art and big scale events, including numerous exhibitions at Museum National Indonesia, China International Gallery Exposition (CIGE), Art Singapore, Art Beijing,Asian Contemporary Art Fair, New York (ACAF NY),Art Asia Miami and other art events.