北京萊盛高新技術有限公司(Beijing Laser Hi-Technology Co.,Ltd) 成立于1994年,是中國首批經營激光打印機粉盒再生材料及其維修配件 (Aftermarket Parts)的專業化高科技公司。目前,萊盛公司下屬市場部、國際部、研發部、客服部和配件工廠,并在全國擁有數十家分公司和眾多的合作伙伴。
2001年北京萊盛公司激光打印機配件 “ 研發部”的成立,標志著萊盛公司已經開始從單純的貿易型公司向生產經營型企業轉變;2002年萊盛公司建立的**家激光打印機配件工廠在河北保定正式投產。
激光打印機數量的不斷增長、品牌和型號的豐富,已經在中國形成了激光打印機再生耗材的廣闊市場。在歐美,對激光打印機再生耗材的使用,已經被列入法律規定;再生耗材的普及率已經成為衡量一個國家環保水平高低的標準之一。 再生產品的普遍使用,已經是世界環?;囊环N趨勢。為了順應和推動這種趨勢,萊盛公司多年來不斷推出“萊盛”激光打印機再生耗材及配件系列產品,其無論在質量上還是價格體系上都正在被越來越多的用戶所認可。
隨著北京萊盛通過ISO9000質量體系的認證, 我們將充分發揮企業、行業優勢,銳意進取,以客戶為本,質量為上,一如既往的為您提供優質的產品和服務!
Beijing Laser Technology Inc. was established in 1994. It was one of the earliest companies specialized in parts and supplies of laser printers and toner cartridge in China. For more than a decade,Beijing Laser Technology Inc. has become a manufacture-based wholesale company with many branch offices and partner companies in different provinces all over China.
Supported by High technology and professional management, Beijing Laser Tech. Inc. has developed into a multi-department corporation including Sale & Marketing, Imports & Exports, R & D, Q.A. and a Joint-Venture manufacturing factory!
Our R & D Dept. was established in 2001, which is a milestone marking the transition of Beijing Laser Tech. Inc. from trading to manufacturing. We truly understand that development of new high-tech products is the key to survive and win in current competitive market.After more than three years of research, we have many patents approved in China. In 2002, our new factory with over 6,000 square meter was completed in Baoding, Hebei Province. This larger research and manufacturing facility greatly expedited the release of new products. Our quality products are exported to countries in Asia,Europe, America, Africa and Oceania with total annual revenue of $8 million.
With the increasing demand of laser printer parts and supplies in China market, Beijing Laser has cooperated with major supplies from USA/Japan/Taiwan/Malaysia and Singapore to develop new products for the most recent models. We're honored to be named as "The Company with Trustful Quality & Satisfied Service"by Chinese Quality Supervision Bureau since 2002.
Our customers' satisfaction is the key to our success. With approved by ISO9000, we'll continue to serve our customers with high quality products, service and technical support!