Noble Family Club is located in Nanxinchang Granary group in Benjing in the CBD area closes to Poly Plaza,and Hongkong Macau Center.
Nobel Family Club is located in a 600 years old imperial granary,aspectular Chinese engineering marvel with huge wooden beams supporting an extremely high ceiling.The huge walls are designed to keep the emperor is grain cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
Now the imperial grainery host The Noble Family Club which provides for the exchange of media information and host regular film and music events.It is also an ideal venue for business and leisure with a full service facility and leading edge media system for all your refreshment and enterainment needs.
Club website:nfclub
Beijing Dongcheng District No.22 Dongsishitiao NO.4 Granery.
Nanxinchang Granary was built in 1409,10 years before the Forbidden City was completed. Nanxinchang is the most complete emperors granary comples remaining in China.The Emperor is grain reserves in the granaries were kept well protected to feed the imperial court.Since grain was synonymous with money and power,it is considered to have one of the best Feng Shui Beijing today.