我們的客戶是一家在中國市場經銷進口食品和葡萄酒已有十余年之久的國際知名公司。 獨家代理來自世界十四個國家和地區的逾五百種優質葡萄酒。 在過于四年中,此公司不斷拓展其業務,在1997香港回歸后,又建立了自己的食品葡萄酒公司,并購買了香港一知名啤酒有限公司的股份。
Nicholson International is a global Human Resources Consulting Group. Headquartered in London, we currently operate from 33 offices in 25 countries worldwide. In China, we are the largest Human Resources Management Consultancy, with offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Qingdao. Our main focus is Executive Search but we also offer a full range of HR services.
At Nicholson International, we pride ourselves on our quality and discretion. Any resumes that we receive will be kept strictly confidential.