是德國伊歐昂(ION)公司在華總代理,致力于環保水處理事業。總部位于德國杜塞爾多夫,18年來以嚴謹踏實、創新進取的精神,豐富的經驗和眾多知名企業客戶成為歐洲環保領域聞名遐邇的大公司。 德國伊歐昂公司以其國際注冊商標AQUABION(歐闊碧昂)在華建立其總代理公司--北京歐闊碧昂環保科技公司,負責中國區域的推廣、銷售、服務和代理商管理事宜。
AQUABION Beijing Co., LTD is the head agent of ION Germany Co., LTD in China, which is engaged in the field of water treatment. ION Co., LTD is loaded in Dueseldorf, Germany. For her 18 years earnest strict work, rich experiences and good known customers has ION become an important and famous company of water treatment. ION Germany Co., LTD built AQUABION Beijing Co., LTD using her international registered trademark. AQUABION Beijing Co., LTD is totally responsible for publicity, business, service, also retailer net building and management in China.
Our products are used for protection of pipes and equipments from corrosion (scale and rust), have already proved their efficiency across the world in dealing with all problems of excessively hard or aggressive water.
We are looking forward new partners, who are working diligent, earnest, ambitious for success and have enthusiasm for environmental protection.
聯系方式:Email: nnmm-36@163 公司網址:aquabion