Prudent Energy Inc. is an energy storage technology developer, manufacturer and systems integrator, specializing in the patented VRB Energy Storage System (VRB-ESS?). With a global market focus, Prudent Energy provides high-quality environmentally safe energy storage systems and solutions to improve power quality and reliability: enable large-scale penetration of renewable energy generation, enhance telecommunication site energy usage and the efficiency of energy distribution.
Prudent Energy has offices in North America, China and has its manufacturing facilities in Beijing. Prudent owns and controls substantial VRB and energy storage patents and trademarks in many countries. They are far reaching encompassing core cell stack designs, electrolyte composition, system designs, and several application patents including use with wind farms, off-grid applications and smart grids.
普能公司專注于新型大容量全釩液流氧化還原電池儲能系統(Vanadium Redox Battery)的研發、制造與商業化應用。 面向**市場以優質、環保的儲能系統與解決方案來提高電力質量與可靠性: 突破可再生能源應用的技術瓶頸、推動新能源的大規模使用和解決偏遠地區通訊基站的用電問題。
普能公司的總部、 研發中心和生產基地位于中國北京,并在北美設立了分公司和研發中心。普能擁有釩電池儲能系統(VRB-ESS)領域覆蓋**多個國家和地區的多項核心專利和商標,這些專利包括但不限于核心電堆設計、電解液配置、系統集成設計,以及在風力發電、離網供電系統和智能電網等領域的應用。