QingyiHuameiprinting shop was estiblished in 1999. we pround as one of oldest professional copy and printing leading this printing field in CBD.We provide fast colour digtial copy & printing,oversize full colour poster & CAD drawing printing,graphic editting for commerical reports & books,blending business card,etc.
Our brand quality are based on our professional efficient staff with many years experience and lastest top-class equpments which come from HP、XEROX、KONICA MINOLTA、OCE .
Client will experience full range,fast,efficience and one stop copy & printing service with our strict quality controll ,color,data,and resource mangment.
We bare "honsty and quality"in mind,in orde to keep client high satified with our service.Our service,your assitant.
24Hour TEL:65831787、65834787