北京森昌泰和科技有限責任公司建立于2009年,公司以精細化學品進出口、國內外化工產品分銷、復配、分裝為主的專業化公司。公司強調團隊精神,決不容忍官僚、個人主義作風, 以極大的熱情全力以赴地推動客戶成功,嘉獎進步,頌揚成果,激勵他人,并永遠保持堅定的誠信,堅持確立一個明確、簡單和以客戶為核心的目標并不斷更新完善穩定,同時創建一個“挑戰極限”、振奮、不拘形式和信任的環境. 永遠保持對客戶同事有感染力的熱情。公司目前的業務主要集中在醫藥、農藥、高分子加工領域,為中國國內用戶提供相應的高品質產品和完善的服務。公司目前正處于快速發展階段,急需有才華、有激情識之士加盟,共創美好明天。
Beijing SCTH Technology Co., Ltd. is established in 2009. We specialize at import and export of fine chemicals, distribution, re-distribution, repackaging of domestic chemical products. We focus on teamwork; we don’t accept bureaucracy and individualism. We promote customer’s success in great passion; we appraise making progress, the good result and encouraging others; we appreciate the credit and the trust; we keep a high enthusiasm to our customers and colleagues. Our current business scope is mainly focused in pharmaceuticals, pesticide and polymer engineering process. We provide high quality product and good service to our customers. We are in a period of high growth and we need high-talented and passionate individuals to join together to build a bright future for the company.