北 京盛典時代文化藝術有限公司是起源于美國洛城的JWP 廣告及制作公司的子公司,成立于2001年,是一家致力于電影、電視、音樂等多種藝術形式的策劃、制作、交流事業的文化藝術傳播公司。公司創始人白石千先 生畢業于美國紐約大學,他精通五國語言,除了能講一口流利的漢語和英語之外,還會講法語、意大利語、日語。而且是中國三十八個同聲譯之一。自他從紐約大學 修完國際經濟學士學位之后, 1996年至2001年,他又回到美國USC(南加州大學—著名導演史蒂文.斯皮爾伯格Steven Spielberg的母校)就讀電影導演與制作專業,他先后在洛杉磯、美國、香港創立自己的廣告制作公司。在美洲、歐洲、港臺及日本從事影視創作十余年, 熟悉西方及港臺娛樂市場,具有豐富的行業經驗及資源。公司擁有一批熟悉國內娛樂市場及資金運作的專業人員,我們在商業、音樂會以及電影電視制作領域有著豐 富的經驗。
本公司與國內外多家五星級酒店,如希爾頓、凱悅、香格里拉、喜來登、、索菲特、華僑豪生、皇冠假日酒店等保持良好的合作關系,為其 提供演藝表演并策劃各種晚會及年會。此外,本公司與國際知名品牌如萬寶龍、卡地亞等公司合作,為其策劃大型的公關活動,負責提供活動中國際國內的媒體支 持。
有意者投遞簡歷或撥打電話asegroup@163 或來電;010-51001975。
Art Spot Entertainment Group
Company Profile
Art Spot Entertainment Group (ASE GROUP) is an entertainment company based in Beijing, that produces commercials, feature films, TV series, concerts, music videos and other media output. It is dedicated to creating high quality products, and working in locations across China, America, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan and Europe.
Its president and founder, James Pax, was educated in the US. He holds a degree in Business from New York University and later studied film production/directing in the University of Southern California. Through many years in the movie industry he has worked extensively in Hollywood, Asia and Europe.
we have long and good relationship with many 5 star hotels in and outside China,such as Hilton,Hyatt, Shangrila, Sheraton, Sofitel, Howard Johnson, Crown plaza and etc, providing them with all kinds of entertainment and organizing parties and events.besides, we are working with Montblanc, Cartier and other international luxury brands in planning and organizing their PR events along with providing national and international media support.
please visit our website for more information: