開放而獨特的辦公環境增進了員工的愉悅和歸屬感。 簡約而別致的裝修布局風格,寬敞而的個人工作區域, 讓你充分體驗創意的享受過程。
Welcome to SoluteBejing Group, A Cutting-edge Startup agency group in providing intelligent marketing platform, new media solution, strategy and campaign. We have our headquarter in Beijing and branch office in San Francisco. Our existing client base includes some of the top international brands such as CITIC Group, Nokia, Mercedes-Benz, and Cartier etc. Our Head Quarter office in the heart of Beijing CBD area is filled with fun, fast-paced, exciting, professionals constantly in search of like-minded people eager to make a difference & learn everyday.
If you have experience working in Public Relation, digital PR or direct marketing agency and you are looking for a place where you can use your brain and grow, then we want to hear from you…
SoluteBeijing is seeking the following intellectuals to support our mutual growing.
For more information, please send your Bilingual curriculum vitae and cover letter to... hr@solutebeijing