Introduction of Silk–Mingyang Advertising Co., Ltd.
北京思可明楊廣告有限責任公司將與阿聯酋聯合酋長國“阿聯酋霓虹廣告公司” 在京成立一家合資廣告公司。“阿聯酋霓虹廣告公司”是中東地區**批進入中國的具有相當規模的、專業的廣告公司。
Silk–Mingyang Advertising Co., Ltd. will establish joint venture company with Emirates Neon Advertising Company of U. A. E. Emirates Neon Advertising Company is the one of the largest companies in the U. A. E. It is also the Adverising company from the region comes to China..
Silk-MingYang Advertising Co.,Ltd, a comprehensive advertising company, wasfounded in 1998. It provides good services to dozens of famous domestic and foreign companies in range of creativity, graphic design, marketing,communication implementation, investment advice, and media services.
Our goal is to Provide the most valuable integrated marketing services to successful products; to make our clients' brands outstanding to the targeted market with high efficiency during short period; to maximize the clients' denefits with the most competitive investment; and to provide good service which reaches and exceeds the client' expectation.
A leading Business Group based in Dubai started its operations in major cities of China the following lines of activity.
Signage-Consultancy, Design and turn key projects.
Advertising/Media–Agency, Buying and Selling of media space.
Procurement–Industrial and General Materials
Applications are invited from interested candidates for the following posts. All the posts will carry attractive pay package commensurate with experience.