Swire Group
Swire's interests span five continents, with its principal areas of operation in the Asia Pacific region, centered on Greater China. Its business activities cover property, aviation (including Cathay Pacific and Dragonair), beverages, marine services, deep sea shipping, cold storage, road transport, agriculture and hotel.
太古集團業務覆蓋**五大洲,業務核心集中於大亞太地區, 并以大中華區為主。其業務范圍涉及地產、航空(包括國泰航空和港龍航空)、飲料、海洋服務、深海運輸、冷藏、陸運、農業和酒店業。
Swire Hotels
Established in 2005 Swire Hotel is the newest member of the Swire family. With properties in Mainland China, Hong Kong and the UK, Swire Hotels aims to bring a breath of fresh air to its guests, creating experiences that both stimulate and satisfy them. Our service style will be uncommonly and refreshingly unaffected and natural: service that not only seduces, but more importantly service that works as a means to make the lives of our guests more interesting, comfortable and stimulating. Each stay, by each guest, at each hotel, each time they stay will be different: something we call personal adventures.
瑜舍是太古集團的新成成員,成立于2005年。主要項目在中國大陸、香港和英國。其服務帶給客人煥然一新的感受,為客人創造滿意又驚喜的居停體驗。我們的風格既特別又自然, 往往打破常規 , 我們服務不僅僅是為了吸引客人,更重要的是能夠使我們客人的每次居停體驗都舒適極致、興趣盎然,使我們的客人在每一家酒店,每一次體驗都有不同的感受。
The Opposite House
Set in the heart of the Sanlitun Village on the eastern side of Beijing's city centre, this is not a hotel that delivers a prescriptive, commoditised experience. We aim for the customer to choose ( and partly create) the vibe, be it the serenity of the excitingly simple, capacious and uncluttered personal rooms or the sexiness and buzz of the basement Punk Bar. We're modern, we're playful, we're fun and we're surprising, but not at the expense of providing the kind of meticulous attention to detail that judicious customers expect: we think of it as style with substance.
瑜舍坐落于北京城東中心區的三里屯地區。有別於一般提供劃一傳統服務的酒店, 而是讓客人隨心所欲地選擇甚至創造他們的空間 ,或是私密靜謐、簡約寬敞的居室,或是熱情奔放的搖滾酒吧。時尚奔放,充滿樂趣、驚喜,而且珍視細節。明智的客人會感慨 - 這風格充滿品味, 且別有內涵。