自2006年成功引進BBCW的《舞動奇跡》(Strictly Come Dancing)至今,公司的合作伙伴已覆蓋中國各大主要衛星電視,并與世界多家著名節目模式公司建立了緊密、有效、相互信任的合作關系,成為中國引進節目模式早、數量多的傳媒企業。同時公司擁有多支國內的制作團隊,在行業內率先建立了“模式引進+模式節目制作+節目營銷”的全鏈條運營機制。
公司辦公環境寬松舒適,管理人性化,有極大的晉升空間。工作時間周一至周五10-18點,享受帶薪年假。公司尊重人才、善待員工。聚智 實干 厚德 誠信 世熙歡迎你!
Shixi Media is the leading TV formats rights broker and content provider in China, specializing in format localization, developing TV ideas and TV production.
Since its foundation in 2004, Shixi Media has collaborated with almost all the major provincial satellite TV channels in mainland China on format licensing, TV production and merchandising. In 2006, Shixi Media collaborated with Hunan Satellite TV to produce the Chinese version of Strictly Come Dancing under license from BBCW. Together with our in-house production capabilities, Shixi Media is active on every genre, in every medium, helping the world’s leading entertainment producers and right owners to collaborate with Chinese TV broadcasters and digital media companies.
Shixi Media has a comprehensive and profound understanding of the format value. We promote and implement the formats’ copyrights protection, advocating a fair, standard, transparent and win-win cooperative relationship and aiming at maximizing the format value in China.