Accor With 158,000 people in 140 countries, Accor is the European leader and one of the world's largest groups in travel, tourism and corporate services, with two major international activities:- hotels: nearly 4,000 hotels (455,000 rooms) in 90 countries, casinos, travel agencies, and restaurants;- services to corporate clients and public institutions: 14 million people in 34 countries use a broad range of services (food vouchers, people care and services, incentive, loyalty programs, events) engineered and managed by Accor.
法國雅高國際酒店集團已被譽為**發展迅速的酒店集團之一。雅高在歐洲處于業內主導地位,在 140 個國家擁有158,000 名雇員;是**大的酒店、旅游及企業服務集團,主要從事兩項國際業務:· 酒店:分布于 90 個國家的 4,000 家酒店(超過455,000 間客房),旅行社、餐廳及賭場。· 企業服務:服務于公司及公共機構:每天在 34 個國家有1,400萬人共享雅高設計及管理的廣泛服務 (餐券、看護、費用管理、社會服務、獎勵活動等)。