北京脫口壹零壹國際教育科技有限公司(TK101 Global Education Group)于2007年由Global Consulting Firm 和 Global Top-tier Education Firm Leader等**英語教育、機構共同創辦,以“教育改變人生”作為經營理念,業務范圍涉及網站、培訓、出版等領域。我們的教育產品主要通過線上渠道提供給顧客,我們的目標是將接受我們產品的學員培養為中國乃至世界的人才。
Introduction of TK101 Global Education Group
The company's philosophy is based on the idea that education can change each person's whole life. Our members are leaders from global business consulting firm and top-tier global education company. The purpose of our product lies in teaching students to become leaders of China and of the world. We make discriminative education products which cover from infants to grown-ups through on-line & off-line channels. Our present offices are located in South Korea and China .
We are looking for applicants who can plan and make contents for English learning students. We offer unique sets of learning opportunities, in which you will learn how to produce educational contents and experience cutting-edge global management techniques by working with our global staffs.