公司介紹.rentokil initial plc is one of the largest business services companies in the world,operating in all the major economies of europe,north america,asia pacific and africa.the company provides a wide range of support services in over 54 countries where the 'rentokil'and 'initial' brands represent innovation,deep expertise and consistent quality of service.services include textiles and washroom services,pest control,office plants and artwork,parcels delivery and facilities services..rentokil initial plc employs 79,000 people in 54 countries offering the strengths and experience of a multi-national organisation,whilst retaining the agility and characteristics of a local company.the business is focused on delivering great service to its wide range of customers..rentokil initial是世界上大的商業服務上市公司,主要業務分布在歐洲、北美洲、亞太地區、非洲,‘rentokil’and‘initial’兩個代表創新先進的品牌在**54個國家和地區提供十分廣泛的支持服務,資深的專業技能與服務質量相結合,服務內容包括紡織、洗手間服務、有害生物控制、辦公室綠植和藝術設計、快遞、設施服務。.公司在54個國家和地區擁有7萬9千名員工,是實力強大的跨國集團,保持地方性公司的靈活性和特征,業務專注于為我們不同領域的客戶提供優質的服務。.-values & behaviours價值理念和行為準則.service服務:we keep our promises..relationships關系:we communicate..teamwork團隊:we support our colleagues..-mission使命.to deliver added value services to our customers in pest control,through out network of over 30 branches with annual sales turnover 1 billion rmb in china by 5 years time..在5年的時間里,通過我們30家網絡分之機構,在pc業務實現我們服務客戶的凈增值,達到年營業額10億人民幣的業績收入。.-vision遠景.we want to be the best at what we do by doing what's right for our customers and colleagues.正確對待我們的客戶和員工,使我們成為的。.-china,the status quo中國區現狀:.rentokil to set up china headquarters in beijing.shanghai,hunan,wuhan have set up branch offices,we have improved pay and benefits system,and a set of sophisticated training mechanism,we are a new expansion of the the entire chinese market,provide staff with a broader space for development..rentokil中國區的總部設立在北京。上海、湖南、武漢都已設立分公司,我們有完善的薪酬福利體系,和一整套成熟的培訓機制,我們正以全新的速度擴展整個中國市場,為員工提供一個更為廣闊的發展空間。.公司網址:.英國總部網址:rentokil-initial.中國區網址:pco.北京總部:北京市西城區德勝門外大街甲5號中天大廈9層.我們的福利:社會保險和住房公積金.郵箱:humei_online@163