美職網 (meijob) 是中國的招聘信息搜索引擎,致力于為萬千求職者和企業帶來更**便捷的招聘信息搜索和發布平臺,以先進的搜索技術和友好的用戶界面讓招聘和求職更加輕松。公司為外資企業,為員工提供完善的薪酬體系和舒適的辦公環境,同時更著重培養員工能力,不斷為每位員工創造更大的發展空間。
Meijob (meijob) is a foreign established enterprise in the online job-search industry, powered by people who want to make the user's life better and easier, by providing a better service and a user-friendly interface. Meijob's unique process provides the user with the access and knowledge needed to get a more complete picture of the huge job market in China.