天一谷使命(Our Mission)
天一谷目標(Our Goal)
天一谷愿景(Our Vision)
Tianyigu Culture Communication Co., Ltd. is the leading taiji theme tour operator as well as the taiji culture communication provider worldwide. With Professor Huang Zhenhuan as our leading instructor (please see T’ai Chi Magazine, No.6, Dec.2004 about Prof. Huang), and a close relationship with all the best taiji masters in Beijing and most of mainland China, we can provide top level taiji training, which is scarcely available elsewhere.
Our popular and exclusively innovative tours support our taiji education and popularization programs. By integrating the first-class taiji training with the innovative tours, we make people acquire life cultivation secrets of taiji while experiencing China’s magnificent scenery and glorious culture.
Our tours are created with professionalism and integrity from our head office in Beijing. Our dedicated team's organizing skills and meticulous attention to detail will always enable us to exceed your expectations by far. Join our taiji tours and let us help you discover the secret of life rejuvenation!