北京威凱優勢科技有限公司是美國威凱集團公司在華設立的全資子公司. 美國威凱集團公司(VCAEDGE Group, vcaedge)是新一代以知識庫技術為基礎、以智能規則為驅動的主動預測式智能企業業務服務管理和應用性能管理技術(Intelligent BSM/APM)的先導者.
美國威凱公司的創始人和管理團隊在軟件與系統技術、IT服務、業務服務等領域擁有累計超過一百年的開發和管理經驗. 公司的代表性客戶與合作伙伴遍及金融服務、電信、能源與電力、公用事業、以及新型綜合服務運營領域等重點產業或市場細分.
VCAEDGE is a leading developer of knowledge based, rules-driven, proactive and predictive IT service management and enterprise application performance management technologies.
With VCAEDGE ’s unique portfolio of leading-edge and proven technologies, we, and our partners, have been successfully delivering comprehensive, adaptive, extensive, yet cost-effective products and solutions in a consistent and timely fashion, helping customers:
Adapt, align, and monitor IT goals with business priorities.
Focus on business critical applications and minimize operating risks.
Predict and prevent critical system health issues.
Correlate business and technical issues, and nail down root causes.
Improve and maximize Return-On-Investments of existing IT infrastructure.
And, assist to identify IT Shortfalls and justify future improvements.
VCAEDGE ‘s leadership team combines over 100 years of proven development and management experiences in software, IT services, and business services.
VCAEDGE ‘s leading customer and partner bases span many key industries and market segments including financial services, telecommunications, energy and utilities, government services, and convergent service providers.
VCAEDGE is headquartered in the beautiful Seattle, WA area, with R&D, sales, and support offices strategically located in China and other areas in the Pacific Rim.