御茶園茶業簡介. 史上將專門為皇帝將相貢茶的茶園欽封為“御茶園”。御茶園一向代表的是中國茶中尊貴、具品位、的血統之一,今天的御茶園茗茶秉承和發揚了其的傳統,引導人們盡享尊貴、品位、健康、高尚的文化生活。. 御茶園茶業創立伊始,就致力于打造中國茶產業的頂級品牌,努力讓消費者充分感受茶道文化的深邃悠遠和博大精深,的團隊,現代的管理,高起點的品牌運營,睿智的品牌文化,造就了御茶園高速發展。目前“御茶園”已成為 集茶葉種植、研發、加工、制造、銷售、網上購(yuchayuan)、加盟連鎖、茶文化研究、推廣及茶葉深加工為一體的茶葉綜合性集團企業。并在**建立了100余家連鎖專賣店,四家茶業大型賣場。. 每天在世界各地,御茶園的產品與**各地區消費者發生著數十萬次的親密接觸。御茶園茶業通過整合“產品、技術、渠道、人才、傳媒、資本”資源,建立起有御茶園特色的茶產業全新商業運營模式。. “御茶園人”將秉持“創新、共贏、發展”的思想路線,堅持“生態種茶、科技制茶、科學說茶、規范賣茶”的經營理念,以“連鎖經營服務”為核心,“品牌建設”和“資本運作”為基本點,把“御茶園茶業”打造成為“永不落幕的茶博會”。. in history, those which served tea to emperors and higher-up officials were reputed as “imperial tea garden” (china tea king in mandarin). china tea king has always been a symbol of the most respected, refined, and excellent branch of the tea family. today, our company—china tea king—inherits and promotes this refined tradition, leading people to live an enriched life. .ever since the establishment of china tea king, china tea king has been engaged in creating a top-notch brand in the chinese tea industry and striving to bring the profound essence of tea culture to the customers. the excellent teamwork, modern management and operation as well as its unique brand culture fuels the fast development of yuchayuan. to date, yuchayuan has become an integrated company linking tea plant, research and development, processing, manufacturing, marketing, online shopping, chain store, tea culture research and promotion, as well as deep processing. yuchayuan has set up over 70 chain stores around the globe and four large-scale tea shopping malls. .yuchayuan products are well sold around the globe. it has set up a unique commercial operation mode connecting “product, technology, channel, talent, media, and capital.”.yuchayuan people will carry forward the grand tradition of “innovation, win-win, and development, as well as the business philosophy of “ecological planting, scientific processing and introduction, and standardized selling.” it will maintain the idea of chain store operation, brand construction and capital operation, thus making yuchayuan into a long-lasting tea expo. . .御茶園資質和榮譽.北京青少年茶文化實踐基地.福建省名牌產品.福建省農業產業化重點龍頭企業.北京市商業服務名牌.北京市商業名牌企業.中國茶葉行業百強企業.中國連鎖經營協辦會會員.通過iso9001國際質量